Abstract Expressions
Abstract Expressions, search for truth within the unconscious through loose thoughts, short stories or concepts.
Abstract Expressions, search for truth within the unconscious through loose thoughts, short stories or concepts. They tend to be more spontaneous and abstract, some mystical, and in rare occasions they have a few figurative traces.
These dynamic works are created to form a parallel secret world where our stories become concrete.
Mis obras abstractas, conceptuales, o insinuaciones, buscan en el inconsciente su verdad a través de pensamientos sueltos, pequeñas historias o conceptos. Suelen ser más espontaneas y resultan abstractas, algunas místicas y en pocas ocasiones tienen rasgos figurativos.
Obras dinámicas, entre conceptos y pensamientos sueltos, forman un mundo secreto y paralelo donde nuestras historias se concretan.