Entre Sueños y Memorias


“Between Memories and Dreams” is a path traced over a very fine line that barely manages to separate what is real and what is unreal.  It represents a search for identity that explores the duality of life and that allows one self to escape the “real” world by confronting it through the imaginary.

The Art Works presented by Lillianne Ruiz are an experiment that combines the classical with the contemporary through a fusion of color, style and technique.  An eclectic sample that is looking to find balance and harmony between elements that are frequently opposite and disconnected.  It combines two series that are set off, but that cannot exist without the other.

“Between Dreams” is almost an autobiography of sorts, which illustrates memories and dreams from the past fourteen months.  It presents the tree as a link between two worlds, between the visible and the invisible.  These works do not simply illustrate; they hide. 

In “Memories”, it is through elements close to abstraction or pictorial hints that the artist searches for truth in the unconscious and molds it upon the canvas through loose thoughts, short stories or concepts.

Originally Posted 22nd October 2013 by Lilly on my prior blog


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